Low Vision Services
For the Partially-sighted
Our low vision specialist, Dr. Andrew Lewis, performs functional vision examinations using specialized testing procedures to maximize a patient’s vision. Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be corrected with standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery. The condition makes everyday tasks, such as reading the mail, writing, shopping, cooking and seeing the TV difficult. It is normal to experience changes in your vision as you age, however these changes do not typically lead to low vision.
Types of Low Vision
- Loss of central vision: Creates a blur or blind spot, but side vision remains intact
- Loss of peripheral (side) vision: Inability to see anything to one side or both sides, or anything directly above and/or below eye level
- Night blindness: Inability to see outside at night, or in dimly lit room such as restaurants or movie theaters
The loss of vision is permanent, and cannot be reversed. However, people who have been diagnosed with the condition do not have to give up their daily activities; rather, they will need to learn new ways of doing normal activities with their remaining vision.
There are several tools, techniques, and resources available for people with impaired vision. Our doctors are trained and experienced to help people with low vision. It is our goal to provide you with the confidence, knowledge, and tools to use your remaining vision to its fullest potential.